Local Merchants
Quality Brands
Unique Products
Popular Sellers

Popular Brands

How It Works
Direct Sales Community
Automated Marketing
Business Growth Tools
Brand Compliance & More
Low Introductory Pricing
Frequently Asked Questions
HomeBrandz is a direct selling community built to make the public aware of your business and the products you have for sale
Also included are marketing tools such as a customer newsletter, listings that advertise your in-person or on-line events
Also included are marketing tools such as a customer newsletter, listings that advertise your in-person or on-line events
Simply put, you can't sell your products to someone if they don't know your business exists, or what your products can do for them.
HomeBrandz makes people who live within driving distance of your location aware of your business.
Once they've found you, your profile then makes them aware of the benefits of your products and offers them different ways to purchase from you.
Yes. There is a free version of HomeBrandz available to all merchants.
Low cost annual plans are also available that provide you with extra marketing features.
Shoppers and Brands use HomeBrandz free of charge.
We attract customers interested in the products you sell to the site through paid advertising.
On the merchants page they then discover local merchants and products that they never knew existed.
Once they've found you, they can either click your "Shop with Me" button to open on your brand storefront page, or contact you directly using the contact methods you provided.
A shopper interested in making a purchase has many options.
- They can click the "shop with me" link on your profile, which will take them directly to your brand storefront.
- They can choose to contact you via the preferred contact info that you added to your profile.
- They can click the chat Icon and leave you a HomeBrandz message. You will be notified immediately by text message when someone sends you a chat.
Yes !! You can enable the "Become a Sales Rep" area of your profile, by simply providing a custom message for your visitors to read.
In your message, be sure to highlight the benefits of signing up on your team, commission rates and how good it feels to be your own boss.
From there any person interested can either follow the instructions you provided, use your contact information to learn more about the opportunity.
Yes. There is a free version of HomeBrandz available to all merchants.
Our low cost annual plans are also available to provide you with extra features and valuable marketing tools.
Shoppers and Brands are free to use HomeBrandz as well.
Increase your brand's marketing reach overnight by recommend the free version of HomeBrandz to each of your sales reps.
HomeBrandz was built to increase public awareness of your brand, sales reps, and the benefits of each of your products which increases sales.
Brands are free to join, and are not charged any ongoing fees for usage. Instead, our optional paid subscription plans are available to individual Sales Reps for one low annual fee.
HomeBrandz is a direct selling community that instantly makes you aware of all of the Work-From-Home businesses and the products they sell available in your local area.
Discover unique and useful product solutions for everyday life that you never knew existed but have been available right in your own backyard all this time.
Support local business by shopping on HomeBrandz today and discover what you've been missing.
Yes. Registering for an account is fast and easy. Get started today.
Shopping on HomeBrandz is easy. Simply enter your zipcode and you will be instantly shown all the home-based merchants who live within driving distance of you.
Each merchant's storefront contains information about themselves, their business, and the types of products that they have for sale.
View product demo videos, read blog posts to better understand what each product has to offer, and then shop from their online storefront or arrange purchase via the phone.
Get notified of scheduled merchant in-person or on-line events to see their products first hand.
Get notified of upcoming merchant deals or BOGO sales.
Be sure to return at least once a month to join our free giveaway contest located near the top of each page.
Customer feedback
Adding homebrandz to my business was a no-brainer. I now get local sales, in addition to the long distance customers I attract on FB. Grateful for this find!
Merideth Wright
Sales Representative
I started with the free version then upgraded to the paid plan for the cost of a cup of coffee. Best value available if you want to attract more customers.
Cyndi Adams
Sales associate
I didn't realize just how many people near me sold products out of their homes until I found homebrandz. Also finding brands that I never heard of before.
Sandy Bronson